
Étoile du Nord Primary School

ArchitectureEducationQuebec Region
Étoile du Nord Primary School
Stéphane Bourgeois
  • Completion period
    2018 - 2021
  • Budget
  • Area
  • Sustainable project

The new Étoile du Nord elementary school is located in the Saint-Émile sector of Quebec City's northern development. With 16 classrooms and a gymnasium, it welcomes 326 students in brand-new facilities surrounded by a playful school park.

Étoile du Nord Primary School
Stéphane Bourgeois

In a rare opportunity, the neighborhood was developed in parallel with the school. Thanks to the collaboration of the developer, the layout was modulated to offer a safe and pleasant environment. We also incorporated the principles of LAB-École into our design: a connection between the student and his or her environment, spaces for meeting and exchange, and versatility of use.

École primaire de l’Étoile du Nord
Stéphane Bourgeois
École primaire de l’Étoile du Nord

Above all, the project focuses on children's well-being. By combining the principles of sustainable development and the WELL approach, the children benefit from stimulating, comfortable and bright facilities - enough to make them want to grow up there!

École primaire de l’Étoile du Nord
École primaire de l’Étoile du Nord
École primaire de l’Étoile du Nord

To come

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